


《恶灵附身2(The Evil Within 2)》近期发售,今天的小课堂就借这个机会说说“生存恐怖游戏(Survival Horror Games)”。




Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is the the harrowing homecoming of this survivor horror franchise.  While Resident Evil 7 draws from the series’ roots of atmospheric survival horror, it also delivers a whole new level of terror. With the RE Engine plus industry leading audio and visual technologies, you experience every abhorrent detail up close and personal in Resident Evil 7. The game is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate.

生存恐怖游戏中的关卡往往空间逼仄、幽暗阴森,摄像机视角也很有限,让玩家难以看清周遭环境,导致举步维艰。这样的布置会让敌人的登场更出乎意料、更具戏剧效果,也因此诞生了许多名场面,比如初代《生化危机(Resident Evil)》的“丧尸回眸”。

初代《生化危机》放在上世纪90年代也显得有些破旧:对白生硬,配音演出不自然,真人开场动画糟糕……但你第一次在可怕的斯宾塞庄园的黑暗角落里看到系列最具标志性的坏蛋啃食死去的B小队成员尸体时,你就很难再把这画面从记忆中抹去了。<br /> <br /> 被系列制作人三上真司称为“丧尸回眸”的这一瞬间发生在威斯克、巴瑞、吉尔和克里斯进入洋房之后的连接餐厅的过道中。这是玩家在游戏中看到的第一只丧尸,它在1996年的原版中显得更加吓人,可能是因为其皮肤更为惨白,眼睛更像人类,转过头的方式也更加诡异。这么些年来,《生化危机》系列并不以细致闻名,反而带来了很多可怕而突兀的吓场景。不过在1996年,在那个幽暗的过道上,它成功描绘了一幅让玩家久久难以忘怀的景象。


Fill the shoes of one Alan Wake, a man who makes his living from the terror of others as a best-selling suspense novelist. Trapped in the deceptively peaceful Washington town of Bright Falls, where he came to escape the trauma of losing his fiancée, Alan must piece together a mystery to prevent himself from being trapped inside a nightmarish world forever. <p> An intense psychological thriller from Remedy, the creators of Max Payne, Alan Wake looks to raise the bar for future games, creating a true cinematic experience. Explore an expansive world filled with missions, unique puzzles, intense combat, and horrifying enemies. Dig into a twisting and multi-layered story filled with suspense, engaging characters, and shocking revelations.


In the remote mountains of Colorado, horrors wait inside Mount Massive Asylum. A long-abandoned home for the mentally ill, recently re-opened by the

生存恐怖游戏在上世代80年代逐步发展起来,而随着游戏软硬件水平的发展,1996年开始的《生化危机》系列将这一类型推上了新的高峰,《寂静岭(Silent Hills)》《钟楼(Clock Tower)》《心灵杀手(Alan Wake)》也都是个中代表。然而随着游戏行业生态的变化,如今制作一款纯粹的生存恐怖游戏可谓吃力不讨好,回归生存恐怖风格的《生化危机7(Resident Evil 7: biohazard)》就是个很好的例子。


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